Hurry Up and Wait


Last night, before starting work on Masters, I finally compiled Damsel into .doc format for submission to Smashwords.  I’d been delaying doing this because I’d had some difficulty with Falling Softly, and was a bit annoyed.  But I think I’ve finally worked out the kinks, so I did the upload.

And Damsel came in at #1722 in the compile queue!  Holy crap!

When I uploaded Falling Softly, it was something like 500 or 600, and that took a long while.  As of this morning, Damsel is still going through the meatgrinder: it’s at #350 or so as I type this.

Smashwords is getting popular, it seems.  I listened to a podcast interview with Mr. Coker the other day, in which he said he was planning to beef up their infrastructure to more efficiently support the large number of submissions they’re receiving.  Looks to me like that REALLY needs to happen.


I guess that means Smashwords has come into its own.  Good for them.  And really, an eight hour delay in conversion isn’t a big deal, really.  Considering that tomorrow it will be exactly eight weeks since I submitted Zombie to Weird Tales, and I’ve not heard a word from them, eight hours is nothing.  Hmm… Weird Tales advertised a six to eight week turnaround.  I wonder if the really long delay means anything.  Probably not.

Right.  Off to the store, then to my bike ride.

1 Comment on “Hurry Up and Wait

  1. I read that same thing about Coker… Yes, SW seems very popular. A few weeks before I uploaded “Cheat”, I read my friend’s blog. She was about #165 when she uploaded. I was in the 500’s. I had to upload an updated file to make it into their premium catalog and was over 1k… What a shock!
