Fiction River: Spies

Hi everybody.

I’ve got some exciting news.

No, I’m not actually going to recommence posting on a regular basis like I promised in the past, to at least get the podcast episodes caught up.

Well, I am. Promise. But no, this is something else.

You may, or may not, recall a couple years ago I made my first professional sale at the Anthology Workshop I go to each year, which is put on by WMG publishing. I was pretty psyched about that sale, as you can imagine.

I actually made another sale to them a month ago at this year’s workshop. And if I’d bothered to post about it, you would know that already. Sorry. I will get better.

Anyway, it took a while, but that first anthology is out! Its official publishing date was this Friday, 29 March 2019.

It’s called Fiction River: Spies. It’s edited by the not just famous, IN-famous, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, and it’s pretty awesome.

Click the image to find it in various bookstores.

In this third Fiction River Special Edition, award-winning editor Kristine Kathryn Rusch proves a master of intrigue with a wide variety of spy stories. Ranging in tone from satire to serious, from touching to brutal, from light to oh-so-very-dark, these fifteen stories illuminate the secret world of espionage. Despite their different tones, different cultures, even different time periods, these diverse stories form a powerful anthology that reveals the world in all its messiness.

“…high quality throughout.” —Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine on Fiction River Special Edition: Crime

Table of Contents

“Spy in the Sky” by Tonya D. Price
“Meeting at the Rise and Shine” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
“Highpoint” by Michael Kingswood
“Through the Eyes of a Dog” by Angela Penrose
“Cat and Mice” by Jamie McNabb
“Our Man in Basingstoke” by Sabrina Chase
“Night Flight” by Jonathan Kort
“End of the Line” by David H. Hendrickson
“The Florentine Exchange” by Dayle A. Dermatis
“The Message” by C.A. Rowland
“Not What You’d Expect” by Leah Cutter
“Turkish Coffee” by Johanna Rothman
“The Path” by David Stier
“Trafficking Stops” by Lisa Silverthorne
“The Spy Who Walked into the Cold” by Ron Collins

I don’t just say that because I’m in it. There are a dozen or so other writers with stories in this book, and I’m not being falsely modest by saying they blow me out of the water.

Great writers, and a bunch of great, fun stories.

Go pick up a copy and see for yourself. I think you’ll be glad you did.

In case you’re wondering, I made a video and podcast about this too.
