Advanced Reviewer Program

If you’re here, you’re curious about my Advanced Reviewer Program.

Well, it’s simple.  I need to get as many reviews as possible for New Releases, as soon as possible.  You need fun books to read, and you don’t have an unlimited budget.  So if you’re willing to commit to consistently leaving honest reviews of my books, quickly upon their release, I am willing to give you free Advanced Reader Copies to facilitate that.

Let me repeat two points.  You have to be willing and able to actually do it on a consistent and timely basis.  And the reviews have to be honest.

There are more details that I won’t go into here.  You’ll be receiving a short series of emails in the near future that will fill in the blanks.

For now, thanks for being willing to help.  I’ll talk to you soon.

Warm Regards,

Michael Kingswood